Monday, March 7, 2011

LearningLOG 3 :)

'Macbeth' is about a story of a person called Macbeth . He was brave and strong when he fought for King Duncan till he met these 3 fateful witches that changed everything ... These witches told him that he would be the future king . This changed Macbeth and his wife also encouraged him to kill King Duncan so that he would become the king . Now from what we have learnt from act 1 scene 1 and 2 . From scene 1 , he met the 3 witches. From scene 2 , Macbeth fought two wars that include the war with Macdonwald and the Norwegian King . He fought bravely and bought victory for King Duncan . The Norwegian losing , wanted a treaty . King Duncan would not allow him to bury his men that represents disrespect unless the Norwegian king retreat to Saint colme's inch and paid them $10000.Macbeth was then promoted to Cawdor's title like the witches had predicted causing macbeth starting to believe in them . 
Favorite character in Macbeth . 
I think the character that i admire the most is the Captain . He went to report to King Duncan despite his deep and life-cosing injuries . This shows that he is very loyal to his King and willing to serve him till he dies. 
What i have learnt from 'Macbeth'
I have learnt the spirit from the Captain . He is loyal to his friend and think of others before himself . I also learnt that because of greed that always led us to trouble for example Macbeth longing to be the King .We should just let nature be it's way and we should not do anything to change the flow of nature .

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


yah so , the lesson was about summarizing macbeth act 1 scene 2 . The text was quite difficult to understand so i needed the modern text to help me :O ! But , william shakespeare wrote the lines with expressions and with about 10 syllabus in each line . It's amazing that he could find so much different words to express the meaning out of the normal word . The homework was drawing a comic strip about a scene of macbeth . It was very hard and tiring as we have to draw NON STICK MAN and we still have to COLOUR it ... My hands cannot tahan. But still i tried my best :O . That's all byebye !

Sunday, January 30, 2011

What if a person comes to me and tell me about my future .

These had never happened to me before . But if there is really gonna be a person that can truly tells me about my future, i will think about the prophecy he/she gave it to me , whether or not if that prophecy is reasonable not . Then , i will not do anything to make it happen . If that person really can predict my future , then i'm 100% sure that he/she could had predicted whether of not i had make my choice to do nothing , or to do something to make it happen .I believe that's all these action that led us to the prophecy that he/she gave to us . If we didn't believe that it is true , it won't probably be real . If we believed it , then we would be thinking about it occasionally , thus wanting to achieve the prophecy that person gave it to us . I won't actually believe all these stuffs as i can't believe that someone could actually predict the future . What good will do them if they tells us our future , i guess that they would sure have a motive by telling us our future , hoping us to do something bad to achieve the prophecy , then it's will all be better for him/her to achieve the thing he/she wanted by telling us our future . If there is really a person that comes to me and tell me all these , i would ask him how did he/she knows and i would ask that person to teach me how to predict the future . I think by believing these things also depends on who told us the prophecy . Because if u see a beggar or a friend telling you all these things , u probably won't believe them . But then if a witch like the ones in the film 'macbeth' , they might actually believe it . It's because they regard witches as the evil and could actually predict one's future . People never really meet them . They will be in a dilemma whether or not to believe . So because of human 's greediness , humans will do despicable things to achieve the good prophecy to happen . Thus leading them to become a bad guy . I guess that's all . byebye! 
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Saturday, January 15, 2011

Reflection on cinquain ! =D [ lesson on cinquain ]

I learnt that cinquain consists of four lines . In the first line , title is written . On the second line , adjective to describe the title . Third , words with -ing to describe the title . Forth line , a full sentence to describe the title . Last line , a synonym of the title . Example :
Funny , active 
Laughing , Playing , Slacking 
He is a joker
I think that the lesson on cinquain had taught me respect . We must have respect for each other works   and cannot laugh upon see our peer's work , We should respect their works. And it taught me how to describe a word easily .  I want to know whether a cinquain can fully describe one's personality . 

                                                                                                                2 respect , Junhup -